Giant Chocolate Chip Cookie 😍

    Hey! So because nothing really noteworthy has happened so far, I'll be sharing stuff I should've written about before. So this happened last December, and I don't remember how it originally started. I asked Mom, and she couldn't remember either. All I know is that I looked up what kind of pans could go into ovens, because she asked me to. Only God knows why now. Cast iron seems to be the best. 

    Anyway, while I searched, I came across a recipe for a giant chocolate chip cookie for cast iron pans in the oven. I had the page open on my browser for about two weeks before I finally made the cookie, New Year's Eve. It turned out great! I only changed three things - the amount of chocolate chips, the type of sugar, and the mold. The recipe calls for 10 ounces (1 1/4 cup) of chocolate chips. I...may have added almost all 12 ounces of the bag I had. Extra-chocolatey chip cookie! I finally crossed that off my bucket list! 

    The recipe calls for two types of sugar: cane sugar and packed brown sugar. I used Truvia's brown sugar blend for both, using their website for the conversions. As for the mold, I didn't use a cast iron pan, mainly because we don't have one. I used a regular cake mold with a removable bottom. But it's still 10 inches!

      It was fun making the cookie, especially after adding the chocolate chips. I mixed it by hand, and put it in the mold by hand. Everything was clean, I promise! I'm used to cake batter, so I wasn't expecting the consistency of the dough. I should have, but I don't know why I didn't. The texture of the cookie ended up being sandy, for some reason. Mom said I may not have mixed it long enough. Either way, it was delicious, especially with milk!

    I made it again yesterday, to see if I could figure out what made it so sandy. I mixed it more, used the 10 oz. of chocolate chips (bittersweet instead of semisweet this time), but it seemed even drier. I have no clue why. Taste-wise, it's good, but personally, I prefer it with the semisweet chocolate chips, because of my gigantic sweet tooth. My mom, on the other hand preferred this one. 

    I've included some pictures of the second cookie below. Hopefully, they'll help show the dimensions of the cookie. 

I've added the link to the recipe, if anyone wants to try it! I've also added the link to Truvia's conversion website. :)

The intention of this blog is not to offend anyone.


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